+256 414-692-585

  7582 Muyenga, Kampala Uganda

What We Are

Baboon Forest Entertainment (BFE) as an urban culture leader envisions a Uganda where the youthful population have the necessary skills to prosper in this dynamic world. In that pursuit, BFE seeks to reduce the growing skills gap among Uganda’s youthful population, which is 78% of the population through its impact vehicle, The Story Tellers Academy.

The Story Tellers Academy will offer a combination of online soft skills training and offline fellowships and trainings to young people in Uganda.


The courses have been designed to be interactive and engaging, with videos, quizzes, and practical exercises that help learners apply the concepts they learn in real-life situations.

In addition to the on line courses, the Story Tellers Academy will offer fellowships and trainings to learners who have completed the online courses and are looking to gain hands-on experience in the workplace.

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